Don't let yourself be restricted by your automaker's limited warranty. Typically, they only last a short amount of time, putting you and your vehicle at risk. Rather, put your money towards an extended warranty that can spare you from unforeseen expenses long after the manufacturer’s warranty has expired.
Do I need an extended warranty?
When your car breaks down, everyone’s first few thoughts are always going to be questioning how much this is going to cost them. However, if you have an extended vehicle warranty, it can help spare some of the stress of paying for the price of parts and service off when it comes time to pay the bill.
Any warranty offered through Cranbrook Toyota comes with roadside assistance whenever you may need help. We offer a number of different extended warranty coverage levels to fit your specific needs. From our basic bumper-to-bumper warranties to options that cover extra features like your radio and power windows. With all of our available options, you’re sure to find a price range and warranty that suits your needs.
Where do I start?
To get a free quote and more information about our different extended warranty options, contact us by filling out an online contact form, or give our finance department a call. We want to make sure we’re giving you all the information you need to make the best choice regarding your new vehicle.